sábado, 7 de maio de 2011

Gap fill exercise

After having seen both videos about places in town, try to complete the following exercise:

My Town - Parts 1 & 2

Check these videos on youtube regarding the topic Places in Town.

Places in Town

My fourth graders are now learning Places in Town.
Here's a short presentation I showed them.

The Clothes song

While doing some research on youtube I came across with this funny song about clothes by Peter Weatherall.
My students loved it!
Hope you too!

Clothes Crossword

Last week my third graders started a new topic: Clothes.

Here you have a crossword exercise with some of the vocabulary they learnt.

Can you solve it?

Brown Bear Matching Exercise

Here's a simple matching exercise. Have fun!

Brown Bear Matching Exercise

sábado, 16 de abril de 2011

sexta-feira, 15 de abril de 2011

Easter time is coming!
Here's a short video that tells us where Easter eggs come from. Enjoy!

quinta-feira, 14 de abril de 2011


Another topic that pupils love is "Animals". This time I used the story "Brown Bear, Brown Bear, what do you see?" by Bill Martin Jr.


I like to introduce my pupils a new topic by exploring with them a story related to that topic. Therefore, for the topic "Food" I used "The very hungry caterpillar" story, which they loved.
Click on the image and find out some activities we did in the classroom!

PowerPoint Presentation

Northern Ireland is one of the four countries of the United Kingdom.
Curious about Northern Ireland? Check this presentation! (click the image)

Ireland Slideshow

I would like to share with you this simple slideshow I made about Ireland, a land of rainbows, leprechauns and fairies...